And The Evergreen Magical Realm
She had painted her eyes and strung her ears, so everything she experienced could be beautiful.

And The Orange Rose Bush

A frangrant and pleasant moment so sweet
She dedicates her mind and heart to him always
In exchange for his eternal fire to fuel her soul
Welcome to the passionate world of Ren and Misha Jinguji, a life
thoughtfully and lovingly shared in fierce bloom.The two met on June 30th, 2013, and have been together
for many happy and meaningful years.
With their bond strengthened by time, the pair found eternal
trust as one and married on April 22nd, 2022, blessed by
the heightening sunrise on the Italian mountaintops.
His heart is her Shining Carnelian: a stone of courage, boldness,
and joy, a symbol to remind her of how strong she is, a plume
of flaming spirit she carries as if it's her own heart.Her heart is his Devilish Wizard: a catalyst of bright imagination
and ambition, painted her favorite evergreen and granted onto
him, so he can feel her unique and endless magic.
Of the void, afraid of their truths and genuine selves in their pasts
With each present moment, love sprouts and grows them higher and higher still
Their story continues every single day, hour, second
For love is always found, like the first day they locked eyes
Building, strengthening

All to create a place to dance in their future amongst the clouds and stars
All for them alone, Forevermore.
[email protected]
Commissions of all forms are currently closed for
the forseeable future. Will update once re-opened!